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Alpiq expects strong e-mobility growth in Italy

The Italian government started to promote e-mobility with subsidies in April 2019, aiming to have 1 million electric vehicles on the roads by the year 2022. A key to this goal is charging station availability. Alpiq sees a great potential for mobility solutions and expects strong growth here.

In Europe, Italy currently has the lowest acceptance rate for electric vehicles. In order to promote e-mobility, the Italian government recently introduced new subsidies. However, are there enough funds to achieve the ambitious goals? Massimo Sabbioneda, Head of Alpiq E-Mobility in Italy is convinced: "Electric vehicles will not expand on a nationwide basis unless the number of charging stations with roaming increases strongly and the price for the electric vehicles is dropping."

While the European electric vehicle market is booming at a three digit growth rate in some countries, in Italy only 4,948 fully electric vehicles were put on the road in 2018 whilst a total of 2 million cars were sold. With a market share of 0.27 % for electric vehicles, Italy lags far behind in the European comparison. To promote e-mobility, the Italian government intends to bring 1 million battery-operated cars to the market by the year 2022. To create incentives and support the sale of electric vehicles, the government is offering subsidies up to € 6,000.

That’s Mobility, 25-26 September 2019, Milano Convention Center

On 25 and 26 September 2019 you can meet us at That's Mobility, the most significant event in Italy dedicated to e-mobility.

MiCo Milano Congressi - Gate 14 - Via Gattamelata 5, Milano (Hours: 9:30 - 18:00)

We'll be waiting for you at our booth (A30) to present you the advantages of joining the first E-Mobility General Contractor in Italy. We can offer you a complete and customized range of e-mobility products and integrated services.

That's Mobility is a two-day event with several lectures. Also, you can get the Smart Mobility Report 2019, a dedicated study made by Energy & Strategy Group of Politecnico di Milano.

Overall, Alpiq welcomes these subsidies. However, two additional prerequisites must be fulfilled in order to reach the ambitious goals. "If demand rises rapidly, it will not be possible to meet it," says Massimo Sabbioneda, "because there are not enough electric vehicles available on the market." In addition, auto manufacturers and importers face the challenge of paving the way for e-mobility.

Dense charging station network

The second prerequisite is the availability of a sufficient number of charging stations with roaming. Beyond doubt, one reason for the sluggish demand for electric vehicles is the recharging issue. While petrol- and diesel-driven cars can refuel anywhere, charging stations are hard to find in Italy. There are only 4,000 public stations around the country. Germany already has nearly 30,000 charging station available today. "We need a dense charging station network along roadways guaranteeing interoperability. If we cannot convince drivers that the charging issue is resolved, they will not buy electric vehicles. From a tourism perspective we need more charging stations in hotels to keep Italy an attractive holiday destination," Sabbioneda points out. Alpiq is currently building ultra-fast charging stations at various locations in Italy.

For the head of the E-Mobility team in Milan, the construction of a dense network of powerful charging stations is the best way to motivate drivers to switch to electric vehicles. "We expect the e-mobility boom to reach Italy," says Massimo Sabbioneda. Alpiq has strengthened the E-Mobility team with several experts and, as such, is well prepared for the growing Italian market as a full-service e-mobility provider.

More information:

Massimo Sabbioneda to the first event dedicated to e-mobility in Italy. (Italian)