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Alpiq energy efficiency programme receives funding from the Swiss Federal Office of Energy

For the second time following 2014, Alpiq's programme for the promotion of energy efficiency has received federal funding. Alpiq's programme targets energy-intensive industrial companies with the goal of tapping into energy savings potential.

Within the framework of its ProKilowatt incentive programme, the Swiss federal government granted more than 800,000 Swiss francs to Alpiq's "Optimo Plus 2015" energy efficiency programme. With this programme, Alpiq advises energy-intensive industrial companies during the process of analysing and evaluating saving potential, for example with lighting solutions or through the replacement of rectifiers, and supports them during the implementation. Xamax AG, a subsidiary of Alpiq, is a partner of the programme and manages the implementation for the customers within the individual efficiency projects in the role of general contractor.

Already in 2014, Alpiq's "Optimo Plus 2014" project was granted 540,000 Swiss francs in federal funding. This programme is currently being implemented. The on-site visits to numerous companies have shown that besides the use of strategically oriented energy management measures, additional electricity savings potential can be unlocked. By the end of 2017, with the two programmes, Alpiq intends to implement measures that will enable 55,000 MWh of electricity to be saved. The incentive programmes will initiate approximately 5 million Swiss francs in investments by industrial companies in the field of electricity efficiency. With the two programmes that have been granted support by ProKilowatt, Alpiq is deepening its commitment towards achieving the efficiency goals defined within the framework of the Energy Strategy 2050.

ProKilowatt is an incentive programme sponsored by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, which carries out competitive tenders in the field of energy savings on an annual basis. The Swiss federal government supports programmes and projects to promote the efficiency in the industrial and service sectors and in private households. In 2015, 30 programmes will receive a total of 33 million Swiss francs in federal funding, in order to save electricity in the most cost-effective and sustainable way.