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Alpiq Csepel Business wins the 2007 Green Frog Award

Alpiq's Hungarian subsidiary Alpiq Csepel Business has won the prestigious 2007 Green Frog Award for the best annual environmental and sustainability report.

Alpiq Csepel Business in Hungary had reason to celebrate in November 2007: The company was allotted Deloitte's prestigious Central European Environmental Report Award, better known as the Green Frog Award. The prize is awarded to companies for reporting of their environmental activities in annual reports or in a separate sustainability report. The Green Frog Award was founded in 2001 with the aim of preparing regional companies to participate in the European Union's environmental and sustainability tenders.

Jury of experts impressed by social responsibility

Alpiq Csepel Business won the seventh award against a field of 24 other contenders. In its final selection the jury ranked the Alpiq Csepel and MOL reports as outstanding because they were the best in terms of structure, content and quality. The jury praised the detailed description in Alpiq Csepel's report of social responsibility activities and the visual presentation of the company's impact on the environment. In the final assessment Alpiq Csepel Business was awarded slightly more points than MOL and emerged as the winner of the 2007 Green Frog Award.

Award presented by Hungarian minister

The green porcelain frog was presented by Fodor Gábor, Hungary's Minister for Environmental Protection and Water. This year's independent international jury consisted of Bart István, an EU environmental protection official, Zilahy Gyula, professor at Budapest Corvinus University, and Szabó M. István, journalist and environmental expert.

Best at tackling complex challenges

The 2007 Green Frog Award is special for various reasons: Firstly, there were three times as many competitors as in previous years. Secondly, the award was supported by the European Parliament and EU Commission. Last but not least, the requirements were more challenging than ever before. Much emphasis was placed on sustainability as well as environmental aspects. This had challenging implications for a report, since in addition to environmental aspects and performance indicators, many other factors were also assessed – including social responsibility.