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Alpiq completed the ultra-fast charging project in Switzerland

Together with IONITY, Alpiq has made a significant contribution to the transformation of electric mobility by installing a pioneering, ultra-fast charging network in Switzerland and Italy. Alpiq has already finalised seven locations in Switzerland and the last one will be ready before Christmas. The Italian project with several locations across Italy will be ready later in 2020.

Even though most electric car charging occurs either at home or at the office, providing fast-charging options for long-distance travellers has been one of the most important development areas to galvanize the electric mobility mass markets.

Thanks to the collaboration between IONITY and Alpiq, electric car drivers in Switzerland and Italy can now charge their cars in a matter of minutes. A typical fast-charger provides 50 kW output and can charge a battery within 30-40 minutes, whereas IONITY’s ultra-fast chargers have an output of 350 kW and can top up the battery in 10-15 minutes (depending on the battery). 

Alpiq has worked on the project throughout the year, from planning, construction permits and the final installation. Seven of the locations are already in use and the last remaining station in Lully will be commissioned just before Christmas.  

“It has been our honour to have a pivotal role in such a significant infrastructure rollout. It is a remarkable milestone for Alpiq and for the electric mobility industry. The collaboration with IONITY has been extremely pleasant and we are looking forward to supporting them in the future,” said Alpiq E-Mobility’s Head of Projects and Service Delivery, Thomas Wilhelm.

IONITY is satisfied with Alpiq’s technical capabilities and the ability to finalise the demanding project on time. IONITY is also pleased to witness that the Swiss sites are proven to be frequently in use. On average drivers are charging a 150-200 kilometre range in one charging session.

“Alpiq continues to be a very reliable partner. We were able to complete almost all of the major routes in less than one year. The Swiss sites are very popular and we see a continual increase in usage,” explained Christian Zeh, Regional Head of EU DACH at IONITY.

Relieving range-anxiety

IONITY is a joint venture founded by the BMW Group, Daimler AG, Ford Motor Company and Volkswagen Group with Audi and Porsche. IONITY’s goal is to build in a total of 400 locations across Europe. So far, over 160 stations are already in operation and over 70 are under construction. 

Once the whole project is finalised, electric car drivers can travel through Europe and recharge their cars every 120 kilometres. It provides much-needed medicine against so-called “range anxiety”, a term describing the uncertainty regarding long-distance travel with an electric car.

“IONITY will have a significant impact on electric mobility. Their charging stations have at least four charging points and they are extremely user-friendly. IONITY is making electric mobility as easy as it gets,” Alpiq’s Thomas Wilhelm pointed out.  

Nationwide infrastructure in Italy

From 2020 onwards, IONITY will be commencing operations at a number of stations in Italy. Alpiq is supporting IONITY to build a nationwide ultra-fast charging network from North to South, enabling long-distance travel with an electric car throughout Italy. 

“We are very pleased with Alpiq’s collaboration in Italy. It’s a unique opportunity to build ultra-fast chargers on the Italian highways and we are looking forward to continuing this project with Alpiq. We are proud to introduce our latest High Power Chargers with new and innovative concepts in Italy, making it much easier for consumers to operate,” said Alessandro De Guglielmo, Country Manager for IONITY Italy.

The Swiss locations Alpiq has built:

  • Neuenkirch
  • Gotthard Nord
  • Gotthard Süd
  • Bellinzona Nord
  • Bellinzona Süd
  • Heidiland
  • Kemptthal
  • Lully