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Alpiq bobsledders advertise for US sports TV

Beat Hefti and Thomas Lamparter on ESPN

In May 2009, Swiss bobsledders Beat Hefti and Thomas Lamparter headed "over the pond". The reason: An invitation to take part in an advertising shoot featuring various sports for the US sports TV channel ESPN (Entertainment and Sports Programming Network). Their starring role: to act out preparations for the start of a bob race, alongside two actors. Included in their luggage: a four-man bob, racing suits and helmets – all with the Alpiq logo. Prominent co-stars: NBA basketball star O.J. Mayo (Memphis Grizzlies) and American Football ace Samari Rolle (Baltimore Ravens), who can be seen in their respective spots.

"The three-day shoot was great fun – also, of course, because I got to meet O.J. Mayo," recalls Beat Hefti. The invitation from ESPN came to him and Thomas Lamparter via the Swiss Bob Association. "It was a huge honour for us, and there was no question but that Thomas and I would accept".

Beat Hefti and Thomas Lamparter can be seen several a times a day on ESPN channels between July and October 2009 – broadcast to around 220 million households. Alpiq has been supporting the Hefti bob team since 2007 and wishes them the best of luck for the next season and the preparations thereafter.