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Alpiq at the Montreux Jazz Festival 2012: A long-term partnership

Because the organisers of the Montreux Jazz Festival attach particular importance to energy efficiency, for the last three years Alpiq InTec have equipped the festival’s VIP Hospitality Garden. Thereby Alpiq not only provides an impressive demonstration of its capabilities, but the company can also use this environmentally-friendly and comfortable setting to meet with its customers and partners.

During the first two weeks of July, the 46th Montreux Jazz Festival attracted 230,000 music-loving visitors. Prior to the start of the festival, Alpiq InTec installed a photovoltaic system with 36 solar modules on an area of around 60 square metres, which not only covered the electricity requirements of the VIP area – the garden, reception area, the Alto and Soprano Lounges – but exceeded it. The lighting was provided using LED lights of the very latest generation that have very low electricity consumption.

Four people took a whole month to install and subsequently dismantle the solar system again. Around 1000 metres of electrical cable, which also supplied the electricity to the various spotlights and lighting, was used in the installation.

The Festival seeks long-term cooperation with Alpiq For Mathieu Jaton, General Secretary of the Montreux Jazz Festival, the cooperation with Alpiq is very important: "We take our responsibility to the environment seriously and would increasingly like to use green energy. Since we ourselves are not energy specialists, we are pleased to be able to benefit from the competence and experience of Alpiq InTec. We seek a permanent cooperation with Alpiq in order to continue to pursue our ecological approach and significantly reduce our electricity consumption ".