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5,000 days without accident at the Alpiq power station Csepel II

On 19 June 2012, the Alpiq power station Csepel II achieved an important milestone: The plant, which is one of the Hungarian power industry’s most modern, has been operating for 5,000 days without accident.

Occupational safety is of the greatest importance at Alpiq

Five thousand days – or 13 years and 251 days – this long period of time impressively underlines the fact that occupational safety has priority at Alpiq. The Csepel II power station is a modern, efficient and environmentally friendly combined-cycle gas turbine plant that was commissioned in 2000 and which covers around 5 percent of the Hungarian electricity requirements.

The achieved safety results have already received a number of awards Strict in-house regulations and processes also guarantee the same high level of safety for the future. The achieved safety results stand out clearly throughout the industry and have already received a number of awards − the most prestigious of these being the President's Award from RoSPA (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents in Great Britain), awarded this year to Alpiq Csepeli Erőmű Kft. for the 12th time and to Alpiq Csepeli Szolgáltató Kft. for the 11th time.

Csepel I power station is already approaching 4,750 days Safety has always played an important role in the history of the company. On the same subject the fact should be highlighted that the number of accident-free days in the Csepel I power station is already approaching 4,750. Thus workplace safety and accident prevention in both of Alpiq’s power stations have reached an exemplary standard.