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Media releases

Ausbau der Gebäudetechnik in Mailand

BWB Gebäudetechnik AG zu Atel

Übernahme vollzogen

A successful end to the financial year 2000 - Two strong structural pillars

The leading Swiss electricity trading Group, Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity, also known as Atel, has concluded the financial year 2000 on a…

Trading company now known as Atel Trading

The Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) is renaming its trading subsidiary. From 1 April 2001 it will be known as Atel Trading, and the old…

Atel Installationstechnik AG acquires BWB Gebäudetechnik AG

Atel Installationstechnik AG is acquiring Basle-based BWB Gebäudetechnik AG from BATIGROUP AG retrospectively per 1 January 2001. The take-over…

Management change Northern Europe

Increased stake in AEM Torino

Future Strom AG in Dübendorf gegründet

Am 27. Februar 2001 wurde in Dübendorf die Firma Future Strom AG gegründet. Das Unternehmen wird im Grossraum Zürich in den Bereichen Stromvertrieb…

Atel Group: 2000 results

The Atel Group substantially increased its European energy trading in 2000 and also expanded its energy service business, so that it is now a strong…

Neuer Geschäftsführer der HESO Herzog + Sonderegger AG (AIT)