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Media releases

Alpiq – 2012 first-quarter results

In the first quarter of 2012 Alpiq recorded net revenue of CHF 3.41 billion and EBITDA of CHF 220 million. Alpiq is consistently implementing the…

Alpiq to sell AAT's energy transmission technology business to Vinci Energies

Alpiq Holding Ltd. has decided to sell the energy transmission technology (ETT) companies of the Alpiq Anlagetechnik Group (AAT) to Vinci Energies for…

Alpiq takes stock and looks to the future

Alpiq Holding Ltd. held its 4th Annual General Meeting today in Lausanne's Palais de Beaulieu. Among other things, the 326 attending shareholders…

Alpiq Anlagentechnik Gruppe (AAT), Heidelberg: Alpiq also holding talks on the sale of EST business

Alpiq publishes 2011 annual report

Alpiq Infra AG wins a Gotthard contract

The full-service contract for fitting out the shell construction of ancillary structures has been awarded to the EquiTec Gotthard consortium, a joint…

Alpiq InTec develops a unique facade for the Pierre Arnaud Foundation

The Pierre Arnaud Art Centre in Valais has found its insignia in its impressive 250 m2 photovoltaic facade. This technological feat, which combines…

Alpiq sells Energiakolmio

As part of its restructuring programme, Alpiq has sold Finnish energy services provider Energiakolmio. The parties have agreed not to disclose the…

Alpiq refurbishes Stegbach culvert in Obergösgen

The Stegbach culvert under the Aare canal in Obergösgen is being refurbished. The ravages of time have taken their toll on the nearly 100 year old…

Alpiq issues bond

Alpiq Holding Ltd. has issued a bond worth CHF 275 million.