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Vetrocom wind park is in operation – extension to come

Alpiq has put the Vetrocom wind park into commercial operation. The 20 wind turbines in central Bulgaria are connected to the grid and are supplying green electricity. On 16 December 2010, the Alpiq Board of Directors agreed to an extension of the wind park.

After Alpiq was issued the operational approval in November 2010 the company has put its first wind park in Bulgaria into commercial operation. After a construction period of about half a year and investments of around 80 million euro, the 20 wind turbines are now in operation near the city of Kazanlak, 200 kilometres east of the capital Sofia. They have a total output of 50 megawatts and will generate about 144 gigawatt hours per year. Alpiq held an event on 14 December to thank its local partners as well as the regional and communal authorities for their valuable support. Their commitment enabled the construction to be carried out on time and within budget.

Start of construction of nine further wind turbines in spring 2011 Alpiq has been prompted by the favourable wind conditions, the existing infrastructure and the grid connection to erect further wind turbines on the heights of Kazanlak. The Alpiq Board of Directors agreed to this on 16 December 2010. The construction will start in spring 2011; they will be put into operation in the fourth quarter of 2011. Alpiq is investing approximately 36 million euro in Vetrocom phase 2. The installed capacity will be 22.5 megawatts.

Bulgarian ministry honours Vetrocom A great honour for the Vetrocom wind park. The Bulgarian ministry of economy has awarded Alpiq the title of “Investor of the year” for the Vetrocom wind park. The prize was presented on 17 December in Sofia. Amongst the criteria for the award were the creation of employment, the use of new technologies and new generation technologies in Bulgaria.