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Statement of position by Alpiq on the decision to suspend current general licence application procedures

Alpiq takes note of the decision by Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard to suspend the current general licence procedures. Alpiq shares the view of Federal Councillor Leuthard that the safety and welfare of the population come first. Alpiq understands that the authorities wish to evaluate the events in Japan without any time pressure, and incorporate their findings in safety requirements. Alpiq will continue to cooperate with the authorities and support them in their work. This applies both to the existing Gösgen nuclear power station and the nuclear power station project in Niederamt, Solothurn.

The authorities will decide when to resume the general licence application procedures and on the form they will take. The referendum following the procedures offers all citizens the opportunity to make up their own minds about the future of Switzerland's energy supplies and weigh the pros and cons of the various power generation methods.

Alpiq is appalled by the natural disaster in Japan and the related incidents in several nuclear power stations. Alpiq expresses its deepest sympathies with the people of Japan, who have suffered so much as a result of the earthquake and tsunami.