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Outcome of referendum on nuclear energy

Atel takes pleasure in the outcome of voting on the twin nuclear energy initiatives, "Strom ohne Atom" and "MoratoriumPlus". The no-vote to both initiatives is a vote in favour of safe, dependable, environmentally friendly and competitive electricity supplies for Switzerland. Atel, which owns 40% and 27% stakes in the nuclear power stations at Gösgen and Leibstadt respectively, is grateful to the Swiss electorate for its clear decision. The phase of planning uncertainty is now definitely a thing of the past. As the situation now stands, existing nuclear power stations can remain in operation for as long as they comply with safety requirements. Moreover, Switzerland is retaining its sensible mix of 60% hydroelectricity and 40% nuclear. Backed by the express confidence of Switzerland's ultimate authority - its voters - radioactive waste disposal is now the issue to be resolved. New nuclear energy legislation lays the necessary foundations.

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity Corporate Communications