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Le Peuchapatte wind farm: Production volume meets expectations

In its first six months of operation, Le Peuchapatte wind farm in the Swiss Jura has delivered on expectations and generated the projected volume of electricity. Discussions by the general public and media on noise emissions from wind farms are being taken seriously by Alpiq.

Six months after going into operation, Alpiq’s Le Peuchapatte wind farm has recorded a positive interim balance. The wind turbines in the municipality of Muriaux in the canton of Jura generated the projected volume of electricity. Since their start-up at the end of December 2010 – and despite poorer wind conditions in the months of April and May – the three wind turbines with a collective capacity of 6.9 Megawatts have generated around 6.3 million of the expected annual volume of 12 million Kilowatt hours. This corresponds to around 10 percent of the annual electricity consumption of households in the canton of Jura. In January 2011, one wind turbine even chalked up a Swiss record for daily generation: 53,237 Kilowatt hours.

Noise emissions below reference values With regard to the noise emissions which have been the subject of discussion among the general public and media for some time, Alpiq points out that the installations in Le Peuchapatte were built in compliance with cantonal and national legislation and are within the applicable noise protection limits. As part of the procedure for granting the construction and operating licence, the canton of Jura commissioned an independent expert assessment which confirmed that the noise emissions were within the legal boundaries.