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Increased engagement in energy efficiency

On 23 August 2011, Alpiq took over Xamax AG. Based in Embrach, the company has been specialising in energy optimisation for more than 20 years. The acquisition is part of Alpiq’s move to expand its energy efficiency activities.

In the context of successor planning, the owners and managers of Xamax AG in Embrach have decided to transfer the company to the Alpiq Group. The company has had a business relationship with Alpiq for the past three years. The plan at present is for the company to conduct business under its own name until the end of 2011, after which it will operate on the market under Alpiq. Both parties have agreed not to disclose the selling price.

Market leader in energy optimisation For the past 20 years Xamax has been successfully delivering energy optimisation solutions to industrial and commercial customers, and is the market leader in Switzerland in this field. Based on the findings of an analysis of weak spots, the services help customers to identify opportunities for energy optimisation and implement them with Xamax. Among its 1,000-plus customers, the company counts the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), Heineken and Keramik Laufen AG.

Expansion and growth planned CEO Werner Huber knows that his company is in good hands with Alpiq: "Alpiq does more than just deliver energy; it also offers intelligent products for energy optimisation. Today’s customers seek integrated solutions – this is a good fit." He also believes that Xamax has an excellent chance of growing under the Alpiq roof.