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Inauguration of the small-scale hydroelectric power station in Splügen on 13 October 2012

After a construction time of only eight months, the small-scale hydroelectric power station in Tambobach in Splügen (canton of Graubünden, GR) went into operation at the end of August 2012. An inaugural celebration, organised by the operating company Wasserkraftwerk Tambobach AG will take place in the power station control centre on Saturday, 13 October 2012 from 11:00 h, for the general public. The shareholders in Wasserkraftwerk Tambobach AG are Alpiq with 70 percent and the community of Splügen with 30 percent.

This coming Saturday, the Wasserkraftwerk Tambobach AG is presenting the new Tambobach small-scale hydroelectric power station in Splügen (GR) to the public for the first time. The operating company is inviting the population from the region to visit the new 1.8 megawatt power plant between 11:00 and 16:00 h and to learn interesting facts about the world of hydropower. A barbecue and drinks will be available. Visitors are requested to use the car parking facilities of the Splügen-Tambo AG cable railway. Starting at 10:30 h, a shuttle bus will operate from this car park.

Electricity for 1400 households The small-scale hydroelectric power station has been generating electricity since the end of August 2012. The annual output will be around 7 million kilowatt hours equating the supply for around 1400 households. The net construction time of the plant was only eight months. Numerous regional companies participated in the construction thus keeping around 60 percent of the investment sum of CHF 8.8 in the region. No objections were raised against the project. Local Councillor Mario Cavigelli and Christian Buser, President of the Board of Directors of Wasserkraftwerk Tambobach AG, fully agree that the rapid implementation of the project was above all thanks to the good technical and environmental concept.

The shareholders in Wasserkraftwerk Tambobach AG are Alpiq with 70 percent and the community of Splügen with 30 percent.