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Inauguration of construction work on the new unit for the Alpiq power plant in Kladno

Alpiq's Kladno power plant - Alpiq Generation (CZ) – is to be equipped with a new 135-Megawatt block unit. Construction work was symbolically inaugurated by knocking the foundation stone on May 2, 2011. The new unit will be more efficient and eco-friendly than its predecessor.

The existing coal-fired block unit is the oldest of its generation in the Czech Republic, having gone into operation in the second half of the 1970s. The unit is to be replaced by a new one within the next three years. On May 2, 2011, in the presence of Swiss Ambassador Mr André Regli, Kladno's mayor Mr Dan Jiránek and Alpiq CEO Giovanni Leonardi, a ceremony was held to inaugurate the construction work by knocking the foundation stone.

With an installed capacity of 135 Megawatts, the unit will be more efficient and significantly more eco-friendly. The new unit is scheduled to go into commercial operation in 2014 and will increase the output of the Kladno power plant. As a result, the power plant will be able to supply more electricity and ensure a stable, long-term supply of heating for the city of Kladno. The new unit will meet all the strict environmental requirements and limits to be applied by 2016, and is also designed to burn up to 10 per cent biomass.

The project investor is Alpiq Energy AG, a Swiss energy company which is also 100% owner of the power plant in Zlín (CZ). The general contractor is Kraftanlagen Power Plants, a company of Kraftanlagen München.