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Lausanne/Olten, 7 October 2008 –, a new platform for debating the future of Switzerland’s electricity, goes online today. Launching concurrently is StromTV, the first internet television channel to focus on the country’s future energy prospects. Joint backers of the project are Swiss energy companies Atel and EOS, who together with their shareholders and business partners bear responsibility for one-third of the nation’s electricity supply. The goal is to foster factual, broad-based and solution-oriented debate on electricity issues.

The dialogue platform is a source of up-to-date, independent facts and background concerning the security of supply. It focuses on the central questions – in particular the four pillars of the Swiss Federal Council’s energy policy with energy-efficiency, promotion of renewable energy, the issue of large power stations, and electricity links with Switzerland’s neighbours. Meanwhile on StromTV, industry experts, politicians, business leaders and scientists with diverse viewpoints will all have their say. Beyond the launch phase, the project initiators seek to further intensify dialogue in the coming year. A broad community of interest will be invited to join in factual, open discussion and constructively contribute to a solution-oriented energy debate.

Competent contributions, unfettered debate “This new dialogue platform dedicated to Switzerland’s electricity future represents our effort to make a balanced, competent contribution to debate on the security of national electricity supplies”, says Atel CEO Giovanni Leonardi, explaining the commitment by both energy companies. Hans Schweickardt, CEO of EOS, adds: “Looking to the medium and long term, the population and the economy both stand to benefit from non-ideological, factual, competent dialogue on electricity issues.”

Switzerland faces some major challenges concerning the future of its electricity supply. How to secure the nation’s supplies for the long term, which solutions are both technically feasible and acceptable to the population at large – these are issues of business, political, scientific and social concern. Decisions giving direction to the course of sustainable energy policy in future are becoming ever more important.

Atel Holding Ltd Atel Holding Ltd (Atel Group) is Switzerland's leading energy provider, active throughout Europe. Founded in 1894, Atel focuses on the two core businesses of production-based energy trading and energy services. The group of companies, domiciled in Olten, currently employs a staff of around 9000 and generated revenue of CHF 13.5 billion in 2007. The main markets for the Energy segment are Switzerland, Italy, Germany, France and countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Products and services range from portfolio management and group energy supplies to energy derivatives, option contracts and the establishment of distribution concepts based on partnerships. Trading and sales are supported by a number of proprietary hydraulic and thermal power stations in Switzerland, Italy, Hungary, Norway and the Czech Republic as well as an extensive transmission grid in Switzerland. With its Energy Services segment, Atel delivers all the technical services related to energy (electricity, gas, oil, and biomass) and its applications (power, light, cooling and heating, communications and security). Atel is among the leading providers of energy services in Switzerland and Germany. Since the end of 2007 the Atel Group has also included the former Motor-Columbus Group.

EOS The EOS Group is the strategic holding company for the largest power plants and the main electricity companies in Western Switzerland. It resulted from the changes in 2002 to the company Energie de l'ouest-suisse (EOS), founded in 1919. With its three business divisions, Energy, Transmission and Commerce & Trading, EOS Group is focused on the three core businesses of hydropower production, high and very high voltage transmission and the marketing of electricity in Switzerland and abroad on its own behalf and on behalf of its shareholders. Its generating fleet in Switzerland makes it one of the most flexible in Europe, with 85 % of the assets being hydropower plants. The Group, based in Lausanne, has approximately 650 employees, including those who work for HYDRO Exploitation SA.