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Franz Scheiber and Matthias Zwicky are to be the two new business unit heads

Two personnel changes will be taking place in the Energy Central Europe business division during the course of this year. Franz Scheiber is to become the new head of the Market Central Europe North business unit at 1 May 2010, and Matthias Zwicky will become the new head of the Power Generation Central Europe business unit at 1 January 2011.

Two personnel changes at business unit level are scheduled to take place in the course of this year in the business division Energy Central Europe. Dr. Armin Stoltz, head of the Market Central Europe North business unit, left Alpiq in early 2010 after 9½ years with the company. His successor starting on 1 May 2010 is Franz Scheiber, aged 53. Scheiber has worked for Alpiq since 1999, most recently as head of the Project Development unit in the Energy Central Europe business division. Prior to that, he worked for a number of years as Area Manager for the Central Europe North market.

Allan Walmsley, head of the Power Generation CE business unit, is expecting to leave his current role at the end of 2010. He ran the Csepel gas-fired combined heat and power complex in Budapest from 2002 and since early 2008 has been responsible for all of Alpiq’s power stations in Central Europe. Dr. Matthias Zwicky will be the incoming business unit head. He will begin familiarising himself with the job on 1 July 2010, and take over operational responsibility starting 1 January 2011. Zwicky was previously head of the Asset Services unit within the Grid business unit. Prior to that, the 53-year-old engineer was managing director of Atel Netz AG for more than three years. Zwicky had already been working for the former Atel between 1997 and 2000.