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Concession granted for small hydroelectric power station

On 15 May 2009 the municipal assembly of Splügen granted Wasserkraftwerk Tambobach AG the concession to use the waters of the River Tambo for hydroelectricity generation. This paves the way for construction of a small hydroelectric power station in the Graubünden municipality, with an annual production volume of six to seven million Kilowatt-hours.

The municipality of Splügen, in the canton of Graubünden, wants to harness the power of the waters of the Tambo and build a small hydroelectric power station. Last Friday, the municipal assembly unanimously voted in favour of granting the concession to Wasserkraftwerk Tambobach AG, the joint stock company which is to be founded and in which Atel EcoPower Ltd. will have a 70 percent stake and the municipality of Splügen a 30 percent stake.

The concession will now be submitted for approval to the canton of Graubünden, where the application will be examined by various expert offices. Provided the go-ahead is given, construction of the small hydroelectric power station is likely to start at the end of this year.

Designed by the engineering firm Hydrelec, the project envisages a water catchment by the Tambo at around 1,890 meters above sea level. The maximum volume of water will be 500 liters per second. The water drawn from the river will be transported down to the valley through a 1.8 kilometer long pressure line. The plan is to build a 1.8-MW power station in the vicinity of the A13 motorway bridge. The water will then be transported to the Hinterrhein at an altitude of 1,460 meters above sea level.

The annual production volume is expected to be six to seven million Kilowatt-hours: sufficient to supply around 1,200 households. The project can be implemented in compliance with the regulations under environmental law.