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Christian Plüss appointed as new Head of Hydro Power Generation

Christian Plüss will take over the lead of the Hydro Power Generation business unit at Alpiq as of February 2014. In this role, he will be responsible for Alpiq’s entire hydraulic production and will focus in particular on the major projects, such as Nant de Drance and FHML+.

Christian Plüss will be moving to Alpiq from MeteoSchweiz, where he has been the director since 2011. He previously held various senior management positions, e.g. CEO of Erdgas Ostschweiz AG, Head of Supply Management at SBB AG and Managing Consultant at CapGemini. He is very experienced in procedural issues that form part of major infrastructure projects.

Christian Plüss studied geophysics at ETH Zurich, where he also obtained his doctorate. He also has a postgraduate diploma in Business Administration and successfully undertook further training in energy risk management.