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Changing market conditions for electricity networks (EOS)

Olten/Berne/Lausanne, 3 June 2008 Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel), BKW FMB Energie AG (BKW) and EOS Holding (EOS) are looking to examine possibilities for closer cooperation ties in the area of transmission networks (380/220 kilovolt, kV) and supra-regional networks (50/132/150 kV). The three companies have set up a joint project to this end. The backdrop to this initiative is the upcoming liberalisation of the energy market in Switzerland.

High voltage grids: Atel, BKW and EOS examine cooperation possibility

The new energy supply act and energy supply ordnance are changing the conditions for high voltage grids, a fact which is having a major influence on energy suppliers’ grid companies. In view of this, Atel, BKW and EOS are looking at ways of strengthening their cooperation. The purpose of the evaluation is to join forces and formulate network services for the benefit of the market and customer alike within the general remit of security of supply.

The results of the analysis are expected by the end of 2008. The study will concentrate on the three companies’ extra-high voltage grids – i.e. transmission networks operating at levels between 220 and 380 kV as well as supra-regional networks at voltage levels of 50, 132 and 150 kV. The 125 kV lines of EOS are not involved in this project.