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Atel Executive Board complete again

Antonio Matteo Taormina is the new Head of the Aare-Tessin Electricity Company's (Atel) "Energy Business Western Europe" division. The 51-year-old director of Maggia Kraftwerke AG and Blenio Kraftwerke AG was appointed by the Board of Directors to succeed Hans E. Schweickardt as an Executive Board member. Taormina will take up his new post at the beginning of August 1999.

Dr. Matthias Zwicky has been appointed by the Board of Directors as the new Head of the Energy Technology division. The 42-year old replaces Alessandro Sala who takes over as the CEO designate of Atel Co Ltd's Executive Board at the beginning of June 1999. The Solothurn-based electrical and industrial engineer has been head of Atel's Power Station and Substations department since September 1997 and will join the Energy Technology division on 1st March 1999.

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity Corporate Communications