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Alpiq submits an appeal against ElCom decree

Today Alpiq submitted an appeal against the decree by the Federal Electricity Commission (ElCom) from 11 November 2010. It is directed against the charges made to holders of long term energy procurement and supply contracts (LTC) as well as the charging of system service costs (SDL) to the balance groups of the nuclear power plants Gösgen and Leibstadt that were decreed by ElCom. Now the Federal Administrative Court must decide.

ElCom determined the rates for the electricity transmission grid for 2011 by decree on 11 November 2010. Swissgrid and 88 parties to the proceedings are affected by this, including Alpiq Ltd. and Alpiq Suisse Ltd. Alpiq is of the opinion that the legal foundations for the charges to holders of LTCs as well as the charging of individual SDL costs to the balance groups of the nuclear power stations Gösgen and Leibstadt are missing. Balance groups are described as measurement and billing units with respect to Swissgrid in which, for example, system services are accounted for.

Because of negative financial effects in the low double-digit million range as well as the competitive disadvantage that results from the decree, several Alpiq Group members as well other Swiss energy companies submitted an appeal to the Federal Administrative Court on 15 of December 2010. Alpiq already submitted an appeal to the Federal Administrative Court regarding the network tariffs from 2009 and 2010. The decisions are still outstanding.