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Alpiq InTec acquires aurax electro

Alpiq InTec (AIT) is to acquire aurax electro, based in Ilanz, canton Graubünden, from Rätia Energie AG. Through this acquisition, AIT is aiming to expand its presence in an interesting market.

Effective 1 April 2010, Alpiq InTec (AIT) will take over aurax electro ag, headquartered in Ilanz, in the canton of Graubünden. AIT has acquired the company with a view to further expanding its strong position in the installation business. Both parties have agreed not to disclose the selling price.

AIT to retain workforce and locations

The former owner Rätia Energie AG decided to sell the company because, given the current market trend, it has concluded that the long-term prospects for aurax electro's employees are better as part of a larger company outside the Rätia Energie Group. "As a leader in the Swiss market for building technology and facility management, AIT offers aurax electro a promising future outlook. We are acquiring a strong company with deep roots. Moreover, aurax electro ideally complements our offerings," says Peter Limacher, Head of AIT. aurax electro's current workforce and presence in the existing regions will be retained. According to Limacher, AIT needs the existing pool of expertise to drive forward success in the future. "We will also continue to offer the impressive range of apprenticeships."

Tradition-rich company with strong roots in Graubünden

aurax electro is primarily a successful provider of electrical installation and telematic services. The tradition-rich company has ten locations in Surselva and Prättigau. It has a workforce of 80, including 35 trainees.