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Alpiq has signed up Dominique Gisin

Alpiq Holding Ltd. and Dominique Gisin team up: The Swiss energy company and the Swiss ski racer signed a corresponding contractual agreement on 10 May 2010. With this step, Alpiq will in future sponsor both the Gisin sisters, as the energy company has already been supporting Michelle Gisin since last year.

Dominique Gisin is known for her determination and her ambition. In spite of a lot of bad luck with injuries, the racer from Engelberg fought her way back to the top again and again and has so far won three world cup races – most recently on 7 March of this year with the Super G in the Swiss alpine ski-resort of Crans-Montana. Because of her athletic success, her love of the ski sport and her cheerful nature, the 25 year old athlete enjoys a great deal of popularity well beyond the realms of the alpine ski sport. Dominique Gisin is an all-rounder; after all she also plays an outstanding game of golf and is training to be a private pilot.

Alpiq and Dominique Gisin signed an individual sponsoring contract on 10 May in Lucerne. With this step, the energy company will in future support also the older sister of the 16 year old Michelle Gisin who has been under contract with Alpiq since last year. Alpiq has been the sponsor of the Swiss snow sports association Swiss-Ski since 2009.

With Dominique Gisin the company will henceforth support an athlete who owing to her (currently interrupted) study of physics at the University of Basel will be concerned with energy issues and who is also well-suited to the internationally active energy company thanks to her multilingualism.

CEO Giovanni Leonardi is pleased that Alpiq will support two sisters in future: „I am convinced that the partnership with the Gisin sisters will be crowned with success and that together we will be able to produce peak performances. Michelle and Dominique Gisin are pleasant, cheerful, intelligent and successful skiers. They match Alpiq.”   Dominique Gisin shares this opinion: „I am delighted and proud of the new partnership with Alpiq, especially because the subject of energy interests me anyway. I will do my utmost to ensure that Alpiq and I can celebrate many successes.”

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