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Alpiq Energie France markets energy from small hydroelectric power stations in France

Alpiq Energie France will in future sell electricity from small French hydroelectric power stations belonging to RWE, Cédecel and CHCR. The corresponding contracts were signed on 12 September 2012. With this step Alpiq Energie France underlines its position as an important partner for marketing the energy from generators of electricity in France.

Alpiq Energie France has concluded contracts for the purchase of electrical energy from 31 small hydroelectric power stations in France. The owners of the plants are RWE, Cédecel (an amalgamation of electricity suppliers situated on the river Mosel) and CHCR (an amalgamation of power stations in the Pyrenees and the Alps). With effect from 9 October 2012, the contracts cover a total volume in excess of 300 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity.

With these contracts, Alpiq Energie France is further expanding its portfolio for the purchase of electricity as one of the leading actors in the energy wholesale business. This portfolio consists of electricity from thermal power stations, gas-fired combined-cycle plants and small hydroelectric power stations.

Alpiq benefits from more than 100 years of experience in hydropower and its marketing. It supports operators of hydropower plants and permits them to take optimal advantage of marketing opportunities against the background of a range of purchase agreements which expire in 2012. Hence Alpiq Energie France has developed a range of innovative und flexible short-term, medium-term and long-term purchasing offers without generation obligation.