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Alpiq E-Mobility installs the first EVite fast charging station in Switzerland

As part of the EVite project, Alpiq has installed the first fast charging station for electric vehicles on the A1 motorway. The ceremonial opening took place today at the Kölliken-Nord motorway service area.

Alpiq E-Mobility is one of the founders and partners of the EVite special interest group. The EVite project aims to build up in Switzerland a countrywide network of fast charging stations for electric-powered vehicles. The first charging station at the Kölliken-Nord motorway service area on the A1 motorway, on the side in the direction of Berne, has been in service since November 2012. Today it was officially inaugurated in the presence of numerous guests.

The electric charging station at the service area, which is equipped with a range of different connections, is available to drivers of electric vehicles for free. Charging takes about 20 minutes. This time can be pleasantly bridged in the neighbouring Migrolino restaurant.

The “Swiss eMobility” association founded the EVite project in the middle of November 2012. EVite wants to offer electric vehicles the possibility of being able charge up quickly at any time in order also to be able to undertake long journeys. Hans-Peter Glaus, the operator of the Kölliken-Nord service area, was pleased to give his consent for the installation of a fast charging station. He is delighted at the development for electromobility: “I hope that other motorway service areas will also soon install such charging stations, since this project is a pioneering step for Swiss mobility.” According to Hans-Peter Glaus, the number of customers who are making use of the free charging facility is steadily increasing.