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Alpiq condemns packet bomb attack in Olten

A packet bomb exploded this morning in the offices of swissnuclear in Olten. One person suffered minor injuries, and a second was more seriously injured. Both are receiving medical attention. The offices suffered minor damage. The Office of the Attorney General has launched an investigation into the incident. Alpiq is profoundly shocked and condemns the attack. Our thoughts are with the two injured individuals.

swissnuclear is the the nuclear energy section of swisselectric. It comprises representatives of the Swiss electricity supply companies Alpiq, Axpo, BKW, CKW et EGL. swissnuclear is committed to the safe and economic operation of the nuclear power plants in Switzerland. Its members operate the Swiss nuclear power plants Beznau, Gösgen, Leibstadt and Mühleberg, which together meet some 40% of Switzerland's electricity needs.