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Alpiq aiming to weather the financial and economic crisis

Alpiq Holding Ltd. held its 2nd Ordinary General Meeting in Lausanne on 22 April 2010. The 445 shareholders who attended approved the consolidated 2009 financial statements of the Alpiq Group as well as the 2009 Annual Report and financial statements of Alpiq Holding Ltd. The General Meeting voted in favour of the Board of Directors' proposal to pay a dividend of CHF 8.70 per registered share in Alpiq Holding Ltd.

The 2nd Ordinary General Meeting of Alpiq Holding Ltd. was held in the Palais de Beaulieu, Lausanne, on 22 April 2010. The 445 shareholders present represented 96.59 percent of the voting rights. In his address, Chairman Hans E. Schweickardt drew attention to the stable financial figures posted in 2009 and expressed his conviction that Alpiq would emerge from the financial and economic crisis stronger. "We have ridden out the crisis and can still give as good as we get," he said. "In 2010 we are aiming for consolidation and further integration."

Dividend of CHF 8.70 per registered share Alpiq posted satisfactory results in 2009, recording consolidated Group revenue of CHF 14.82 billion and operating income (EBIT) of slightly more than one billion francs. Group profit amounted to CHF 676 million. The Board of Directors therefore proposed payment of a dividend of CHF 8.70 per registered share. The meeting approved the proposal. Shareholders also approved the consolidated 2009 financial statements of the Alpiq Group as well as the 2009 Annual Report and financial statements of Alpiq Holding Ltd.

The meeting re-elected Director Pierre Aumont of Electricité de France (EDF) for a further three-year term of office. Giuliano Zuccoli has left the Board. The president of the management committee of A2A announced that he would be standing down at the beginning of April 2010.

"Conserving strength and keeping a close eye on the weather" Alpiq CEO Giovanni Leonardi also cited the positive 2009 results in his address, commenting that within only eleven months Alpiq's new business model had been implemented and satisfying financial figures had been achieved. Leonardi likened Alpiq to a mountaineer at base camp, preparing for the ascent. A mountaineer needs to conserve strength, reduce his load and keep a close eye on the weather. Said Leonardi, "Initially we expect persistent cloud cover. The regulatory environment remains unpredictable." He therefore expects things to brighten up towards the end of the year at the earliest. "We will be happy if we can match our 2009 income and profit."

Olympic heroes at the Palais deBeaulieu At the end of the General Meeting the spotlight was turned on five Swiss winter sports athletes, when moderator Ellade Ossola invited Olympic  champion Didier Défago, Olympic bronze medal winner Olivia Nobs, and Dominique Gisin, Michelle Gisin and Anne-Sophie Koehn onto the stage. Together they informed the shareholders with stories of their successes and mishaps over the past winter season.