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50 kV power line between Koblenz and Waldshut

Atel Transmission Ltd.'s high-voltage power line between Koblenz and Waldshut is to be dismantled. Atel's 50 kV line across the river Rhine used to supply the Lonza industrial site in Waldshut, but became redundant when electricity supplies started coming directly from the power station at Reckingen.

Retired power line to be dismantled

The Atel Transmission Ltd. high-voltage line links the Lonza site to the Koblenz switching centre. The power line, which is over two kilometres long, was taken out of service in December 2002, hence the reason for its being dismantled now. The work will take place in several phases lasting until late summer 2003. The link over the Rhine will be first to disappear, along with four lattice masts sited within a planned nature reserve on the banks of the Rhine at Waldshut. The Swiss section of the line and the installations at the Koblenz switching centre will be dealt with later. The cost of dismantling will be around CHF 900,000.

Over several decades, the power line was a fixed part of the landscape surrounding the Rhine crossing between Koblenz and Waldshut. Once dismantled, the countryside will benefit accordingly.

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity Corporate Communications