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Sale of Romande Energie shares held by Alpiq successfully completed

Following a cross-shareholding agreement between Romande Energie Holding SA (hereinafter referred to as REH, securities number: HREN, ISIN: CH0025607331) and Holdigaz SA, REH yesterday exercised the remaining call option to repurchase its own shares. Alpiq will thus successfully complete the sale of its holding and no longer be a REH shareholder.

The exercise of the call option relates to the remaining REH shares held by Alpiq, i.e. 28,737 shares.

In mid-December 2012, Alpiq and REH announced that Alpiq, in the context of its restructuring programme, would sell its shares in REH (119,994 shares). The acquisition of the first tranche (71,257 REH shares at a unit price of CHF 1,100) took place on 8 January this year. On 10 May 2013, REH exercised a portion of the call option (20,000 shares of the then-remaining 48,737 REH shares) in a second step.