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Motor-Columbus / Atel sales negotiations

Motor-Columbus and Atel inform that the negotiations for the sale of UBS’ 55.6% stake in Motor-Columbus are going on. A sustainable solution with a consortium majority-owned by Swiss industrial investors is being sought for Atel, the principal subsidiary of Motor-Columbus. The negotiations are ongoing.

Motor-Columbus and Atel announce that the negotiations to sell UBS’ 55.6% stake in Motor-Columbus are lasting. The following parties attend the discussions and do take into consideration to participate at the transaction: the Swiss minority shareholders of Atel – EBM (Elektra Birseck, Münchenstein), EBL (Elektra Baselland, Liestal), the Canton of Solothurn, IBAarau AG, and additionally AIL (Aziende Industriali di Lugano SA), and WWZ (Wasserwerke Zug AG), together with Lausanne-based EOS Holding and Atel. French utility EDF, currently a minority shareholder of Motor-Columbus, is also considering participating in an appropriate form in order to safeguard its position.

Long term goal would be to lay the foundations for building a strong and sustainable electricity enterprise, majority-owned by industrial Swiss companies. This set-up would provide a platform for continuously developing the Atel Group’s successful operations throughout Europe. Today, Atel already generates around 90 per cent of its turnover outside Switzerland.

Motor-Columbus and Atel will make further announcements as appropriate.

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity Corporate Communications

Motor-Columbus Ltd Executive Committee