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Atel: Share swap process successfully completed

On 25 June 2008 Atel Holding Ltd increased its share capital by 43,378 shares. The 5,408 outstanding shares in Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) which were annulled on 27 May 2008 have been re-issued and contributed to Atel Holding as a non-cash consideration. With Atel Holding Ltd now holding 100 % of Atel shares, another step has been taken towards the merger with EOS, based in Western Switzerland, and possibly also the Swiss activities of the EDF Group.

New shares issued and used as non-cash consideration

Atel Holding Ltd has successfully completed the last step in the Atel share swap process and increased its share capital: The 5,408 outstanding shares in Atel which were annulled by the court ruling on 27 May 2008 have been re-issued and contributed to Atel Holding Ltd as a non-cash consideration. In return for the non-cash consideration, Atel Holding Ltd has increased its share capital by 43,378 fully paid up registered shares with a par value of CHF 20 each.

The new shares in Atel Holding Ltd will be used to compensate the remaining Atel shareholders for their annulled shares, based on the same ratio as the public swap offer made on 12 November 2007, i.e. one Atel share entitles the holder to 8,025 shares in Atel Holding Ltd. The share capital of Atel Holding Ltd has been increased by CHF 867,560 to CHF 436,758,360.

An important milestone has been reached now that the shareholder structure has been streamlined and a single holding company has been created. The holding company is a prerequisite for the merger with EOS and possibly the Swiss operations of the EDF Group, with a view to creating the leading Swiss energy provider geared towards Europe.

Atel Holding Ltd