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Atel purchases four small power plants on the Birs

At the start of October 2007, Atel EcoPower AG purchased four small-scale hydroelectric plants on the Birs River with a combined capacity of 2.2 MW. They were sold by Ziegler Papier AG in Grellingen.

Stepping up energy production from hydroelectric power

The four small hydroelectric plants use water from the Birs in the Canton of Basel-Land. Together they generate some 12 million kWh of electricity per year. This amount of electricity corresponds to the annual average consumption of around 2,400 households. The four power plants (Nenzlingen, Moos, Büttenen I and Büttenen II) date back to the 1940s and were completely renovated in the 1990s. They hold licenses from the Canton of Basel-Land, which are valid until 2077. Ziegler Papier AG is selling the four plants as part of a move to concentrate on its core business. Atel EcoPower AG, on the other hand, is intensifying its professed commitment to “small” hydroelectric power. The purchase price will not be disclosed.

Atel has been stepping up its small hydroelectric power operations for some time now via its wholly-owned subsidiary Atel EcoPower AG. Atel has initiated dozens of new projects all over Switzerland as well as in Italy and Norway.

The promotion of hydroelectric power as the most important indigenous and renewable source of energy is not only in line with Atel’s intentions, it is also an integral part of Swiss energy policy.

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity Corporate Communications