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Alpiq successfully places its public hybrid

Alpiq has today placed on the Swiss capital market a public hybrid of CHF 650 million. The total proceeds from the public hybrid and the hybrid from the Swiss majority shareholders amount to more than CHF 1 billion.

As announced on 25 April 2013, the Swiss majority shareholders of Alpiq Holding AG (Alpiq) have subscribed to a hybrid of CHF 366.5 million. Following this important first step, Alpiq has today successfully placed on the capital market a public hybrid with a total volume of CHF 650 million with an interest rate of 5%. This public hybrid is perpetual. However, Alpiq has a right of early redemption, at earliest after 5.5 years.

"Alpiq had an objective of CHF 800 million to CHF 1 billion. Raising more than CHF 1 billion is a real success for the company", highlights Jasmin Staiblin, CEO of Alpiq.

The proceeds of the hybrid shareholders' loan and the public hybrid amounting to a total of CHF 1,016.5 million provide Alpiq with additional financial flexibility and strengthen its balance sheet. "The success of this placement reflects the strong interest and confidence of the investors in Alpiq", says Patrick Mariller, CFO of Alpiq

The bank syndicate that placed the public hybrid with institutional and private investors in Switzerland was led by Credit Suisse and UBS together with the Zurich Cantonal Bank.