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Alpiq appoints Jasmin Staiblin as CEO

The Board of Directors of Alpiq Holding AG has appointed Jasmin Staiblin, currently Country Manager of ABB Switzerland, as the new Alpiq CEO. She will at a time still to be defined take over from Hans E. Schweickardt, who will once again concentrate on his mandate as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Jasmin Staiblin, 42, has been Country Manager and Chairwoman of the Management Committee of ABB Switzerland since 2006. In this function she is responsible for revenues of CHF 3.6 billion and more than 6000 employees.

Hans E. Schweickardt, Chairman of the Board and CEO ad interim of Alpiq, comments on the appointment of Jasmin Staiblin saying: „I am delighted that we have been able to engage Jasmin Staiblin as CEO. She has impressively demonstrated her management qualities in a very competitive environment at ABB Switzerland. She knows the energy industry from a number of perspectives and is well acquainted with the current market developments. Together with her convincing personality and her close ties within Swiss economic circles, she fulfils all prerequisites necessary to lead our company into a successful future.“

Jasmin Staiblin says about her appointment: „The energy industry is facing great challenges. Whereby with a diversified electricity generation portfolio and extensive experience in the energy efficiency segment, Alpiq is in a very good starting position. I am looking forward to being given the opportunity to take over the responsibility as CEO with a stock-market-listed, internationally active and for Switzerland such an important company as Alpiq.“

During her appointment as Country Manager of ABB Switzerland, Jasmin Staiblin sustainably increased the organisation’s revenues and profits. Previously, as Head of Marketing and Sales, she was a Member of the Management Team for the global Power Technologies Division of the ABB Group Holding. She has held various functions within ABB since 1997, where she launched her career after graduating in electronics and physics from the Technical University in Karlsruhe and the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

The German national has very close ties within economic circles. She is a member of the Boards of Directors of the Georg Fischer AG, Rolls Royce plc and the Neue Aargauer Bank AG. She has a seat on the Executive Management Committee of Swissmem and is a Member of the Management Board of economiesuisse. Additionally, she is a Member of the ETH Board and Vice President of Energie Trialog Schweiz.