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Alpiq acquires a gas-fired combined cycle power station in Spain

Alpiq buys generation capacity for the first time in Spain. The Swiss energy Group and the Spanish vendor Gas Natural Fenosa sealed the deal for the take over of one of the two 400 megawatt units of the Plana del Vent gas-fired combined cycle power station in Barcelona on 12 July 2010.

Alpiq and the Spanish energy provider Gas Natural Fenosa signed the contract for the take over of a 400 megawatt unit of the gas-fired combined cycle power station Plana del Vent in Barcelona on 12 July 2010. The power station is located in the Municipality of Vandellós-l’Hospitalet de l’Infant in the Tarragona region, some 100 kilometres to the southwest of Barcelona, and has a power output of 800 megawatts, whereby it could provide some two percent of Spain’s total electricity requirements. This is equivalent to the supply of around two million households.

Alpiq is buying the 400 megawatt plant for a price of 200 million euro. The corresponding approvals are expected to be issued by the end of this year. Additionally, Alpiq has usage rights of the second 400 megawatt unit for two years. Following expiry of this deadline, Alpiq has a right of purchase on this second unit.

Takeover strengthens the supply of electricity to end customers

With the companies Atel Energia S.A.U. and Hispaelec Energia S.A.U., Alpiq is the first alternative electricity supplier for end-customers from the industrial, administrations and services sectors. Atel Energia recorded total sales in 2009 of 3 terawatt hours. With the take over of the gas-fired combined cycle power station in Tarragona, Alpiq has now been able to position itself as the first alternative electricity generation company in Spain and has thus taken another decisive step in the consolidation of its market position.   Alpiq delivers electricity in Spain to more than 1500 customers. It was only in December 2009 that the company purchased Hispaelec Energia S.A.U., the local sales company of Electricité de France (EDF).

Plana del Vent was put into service in 2007 and is one of Spain’s newest power stations. With its workforce of 40 employees, the plant could itself produce the total energy currently consumed by Alpiq’s customers in Spain.