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Alpiq 2012 Annual Media Conference in Zurich

Two weeks after announcing Alpiq's 2011 results, interim CEO Hans E. Schweickardt, CFO Kurt Baumgartner and Michael Wider, Head of Energy Switzerland, will brief journalists and answer questions.

Sweeping changes and unforeseen events had a marked impact on the results of the Alpiq Group for 2011 (see media release dated 17 February 2012). At today's Annual Media Conference, Alpiq Executive Board members Hans E. Schweickardt, Kurt Baumgartner and Michael Wider explain the background and answer journalists' questions.

Information for journalists

  • The Media Conference will be held today, 6 March 2012, at 10:15 in the Widder Hotel, Rennweg 7, Zurich (to register to attend in person or for the livestream, contact

  • The 2011 Annual Report and 2011 Financial Report (condensed version) are now available at The printed version of the 2011 Annual Report will be issued on 5 April 2012.

  • Media documentation will be available online from 11:30 today.

  • A video recording of the Annual Media Conference will be posted in the course of this afternoon.