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New waste incineration plant in Ticino

The canton of Ticino is building a new plant for the thermal treatment of residential refuse in Giubiasco near Bellinzona. Two Alpiq Group companies, Alpiq InTec Ticino S.A. and Kraftanlagen München GmbH, are playing a key role in the construction.

20 MW electrical energy from new waste incineration plant

The two Alpiq companies are responsible for the electromechanical aspects of the plant in collaboration with Martin GmbH. The heart of the system is the two incinerator lines which each process more than 10 tonnes of refuse per hour. The steam generated in the boilers is used to generate energy in the thermal system with the aid of a turbine. Kraftanlagen München is responsible for the planning, delivery and assembly of the entire energy part including the steam turbine with an electrical capacity of 20 MW. The company is also responsible for the air condensation units, piping and components for the water-steam cycle, the cooling water system and the entire crane equipment. The process control system for monitoring and controlling the entire process, as well as all electrical components for the plant, are the responsibility of Alpiq InTec Ticino S.A. The waste-to-energy plant is scheduled to go into operation in 2010.