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Benefits of recycling coal ash

Atel Energetika Zlin has come up with an ingenious solution for processing coal ash waste from the power plant to produce certified construction materials.

Coal ash is generally regarded as waste, but not by Atel Energetika Zlin: We process it to make two construction materials called REHAS and RETAS, both of which are certified by independent laboratories.

These mixtures of ash and water are used at Zlin's city waste dump to construct the dump base and as a "pot lid" for filled dumps. After the top layer is covered with RETAS or REHAS, the temperature under these layers rises and hazardous bio-gas is generated. This bio-gas is extracted via pipes leading to Atel Energetika's fluid boiler plant, where it is burned and thus ecologically disposed of. The cycle is complete, and everyone benefits: Atel Energetika saves money on waste disposal, the city disposes of bio-gas free of charge, and all residents can breathe clean air.