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Media releases

Alpiq ranks number one in France for the fourth year running

Lausanne – Alpiq’s outstanding service quality continues to convince customers in France. In a survey, 276 large industrial customers representing…

Michel Kolly joins the Alpiq Executive Board

Lausanne – The Alpiq Board of Directors has appointed Michel Kolly (53) as a full Member of the Alpiq Executive Board and Head of the Digital &…

General Meetings of Alpiq and of Alpha approve squeeze-out merger

Lausanne – At today’s 12th Annual General Meeting in Lausanne, the shareholders of Alpiq Holding Ltd. approved all the proposals put forward by the…

Security of supply is at stake

Lausanne – Alpiq supports the expansion of domestic, renewable energies to strengthen Switzerland’s security of supply within the framework of the…

Change in the Board of Directors of Alpiq Holding Ltd.

Lausanne – René Longet, a Member of the Alpiq Board of Directors, has informed the Alpiq Holding Ltd. Board that he will not be standing for…

Annual General Meeting of Alpiq Holding Ltd. to decide on squeeze-out merger

Lausanne – On 13 May 2020, following a motion to this end, the Board of Directors of Alpiq Holding Ltd. decided to submit to the shareholders a…

Construction starts on the Hüscherabach small hydropower plant

Lausanne – Alpiq and the municipality of Rheinwald (GR) are once again collaborating to build a small hydropower plant. The construction work has just…

Alpiq manages the largest battery storage facility in Switzerland

Lausanne – Alpiq is strengthening its leading position in asset management for customers: Alpiq will manage the largest, most powerful battery in…

Alpiq builds its presence in the Nordic countries

Lausanne – Alpiq invests in its origination business in the Nordic countries as part of its corporate strategy: Alpiq, which operates as an…

Earnings expected to recover in 2020