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New Director for Electricité d'Emosson S.A.

Guillaume Gros will take over as Director of Electricité d'Emosson SA in spring 2013. He will replace Olivier Dumas who has led the Martigny (VS) based hydropower company since 1996.

On 1 April 2013, Guillaume Gros will succeed Olivier Dumas as Director of Electricité d'Emosson SA. In addition, he will be responsible for the Lower Valais hydropower plants at Salanfe, Martigny-Bourg and Fully, all three of which are managed by Alpiq. The 37 year-old French engineer began his career with Alpiq in 2001 where he was notably in charge of projects connected with new renewable energies and developed the Peuchapatte wind park. Since 2010 he has been Head of Operations in the Hydropower Generation business unit where his responsibilities include feasibility studies for hydropower asset expansion and improvement plans. Guillaume Gros has a degree in engineering physics from the Institute of Technology in Grenoble.

Olivier Dumas, after some 17 years in the Valais hydropower industry as member of the board and director of various companies, decided to retire and will leave the company at the end of March 2013. The General Management of Alpiq thanks him warmly for his commitment throughout all this years.

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