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Our values

Our roots lie in the alpine nation of Switzerland, which is known the world over for its tradition of quality, peak performance and reliability. We view these Swiss values of quality, innovation, precision and reliability as a fundamental obligation. They dictate our teamwork and our collaboration with customers. Like the Alps that simultaneously divide and unify our country, we view boundaries as an opportunity to forge links: for us, linguistic and cultural differences present not barriers but foundations on which to build mutual respect.

Values are what distinguish us

We are ALP1Q

“We are ALP1Q” reflects our team spirit. We value every opinion, hold honesty in high esteem, and believe that our diversity makes us stronger. Trust and respect are the cornerstones of our collaboration.

We learn and grow together

“We learn and grow together” means we have courage. The courage to keep on questioning our actions and step out of our comfort zone to explore creative paths. Together we then learn from our experiences, whether good or bad.

We share the steering wheel

“We share the steering wheel” is our belief that all staff can – and should – take ownership. Because when everyone makes well-informed decisions in their specific field of expertise, we not only do things faster: we also do them better. 

We focus on the outcome

“We focus on the outcome” means that impact matters. We act pragmatically and weigh up the time frame and benefits to find the optimal solution.

Occupational health and safety

Alpiq considers occupational health and safety as well as the protection of the physical and mental integrity of its employees and third parties to be values that must be protected at all costs. Alpiq therefore constantly strives to take all necessary measures to achieve this goal.

In its guiding principles on occupational health and safety, Alpiq commits to the key principles and sets out its commitment to effective occupational health and safety management.

Health & Safety Policy – PDF

Health & Safety Vision / Mission – PDF